What is a White Lightning car?

To give you an idea of how scarce these cars are, consider this: If RC2 produces 10,000 Pontiac GTO models for its Musclecars series, and makes 1% of those cars White Lightning versions, we only make 100 White Lightning versions of the GTO. That's 100 White Lightning models for the entire world.
What makes a White Lightning car?
With early White Lightning cars, the company almost always painted the body white or pearl white. It didn't take long for people-collectors and non-collectors-to realize these cars were special, and easy to spot.
The Johnny Lightning Team has always wanted as many White Lightning cars to get into the hands of collectors as possible. To achieve that goal, they began changing the characteristics of the White Lightning car. It wasn't always white any more. That made the cars easier to hide on the pegs…waiting for a collector's keen eye.
Below is a list of White Lightning characteristics. In most cases, any given White Lightning car will have two features that are different from the regular version.
- White body
- Pearl-White body
- White chassis
- Pearl-White chassis
- White engine
- Tinted glass
- White rims (injected white…not painted)
- White tires
- White interior (injected white…not painted)
- The words "White Lightning" on the tires
- Metallic gold body (always paired with a white characteristic)
- Whitewall tires instead of red stripes
- White interior and white rims
- White tires and white chassis
- Pearl-White body and white interior
- Tinted glass and white interior
- White rims and white tires
- Not every white model is a White Lightning car.
- Not every pearl-white model is a White Lightning car.
- Not every car with a white interior is a White Lightning version.
- White Lightning cars aren't always white.
- White Lightning characteristics change with most every release.